Tuesday, 4 February 2014

LEX Program to count the number of vowels and consonants in a given string

LEX Program to count the number of vowels and consonants in a given string:

int vow_count=0;
int const_count =0;


[aeiouAEIOU] {vow_count++;}
[a-zA-Z] {const_count++;}

printf("Enter the string of vowels and consonents:");
printf("The number of vowels are:  %d\n",vow);
printf("The number of consonants are:  %d\n",cons);
return 0;

$$ lex kk.l
$$ gcc kk.c -ll
$$ ./a.out
Enter the string of vowels and consonents
My name is Khan
The number of vowels are: 4
The number of consonants are: 8

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